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The boutiquejingle company
Bringing back true radio spirit
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In the year 2022, Sonic Spring has made a tailor-made package that suits this time. Modern, cheerful, businesslike. All ingredients of a full service station are there. Even the commercial-break openers are a joy to listen to" -Rob Brouwer (Editor Visual Radio) & Aernout Pleket (Audio designer Omroep Flevoland)
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Our third package for the morning show at top rated Radio 10 in the Netherlands. Ekdom in the morning features 4 personality songs and 4 jingle ID's. Gerard says: "They needed to be uplifting, old school and fresh at the same time. These jingles are real bangers!"
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Listen to how exciting the imaging for Veronica's newest digital station Vintage Veronica sounds. Where we handpicked the finest voiceover talent we could find (familiar and new). This is where heritage meets Veronica's originative spirit.
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Personality morning songs for Ekdom in de morgen (Gerard Ekdom) on Radio 10 in the Netherlands.
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Jingles that breathe passion and excitement; that's what Gerard Ekdom needed for his new morning show at Holland's top rated Radio 10.
Gerard says: "The jingles sound AMAZING. Thanks for crawling inside my head!"
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Few stations in Europe carry such heritage as Veronica. As for summer 2021 a breath of fresh air fills the airwaves. In this package we decided to break down the pastic uniformity and bring back warmth, character, passion, love and Veronica's renegade spirit."Different, original, dynamic, with human warmth and still edgy...She's got class!" - Rob Stenders
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Marcel de Vries (RADIONL): 'These jingles combine heritage with the sound of now. I think this is the best version in our 15 year existence. The co-operation with SONIC SPRING has been flawless for years. They have a perfect radar for our needs and ideas.'
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For people who love Dutch music made in Holland, there's Radio NL. The most listened to station in the popular schlager / entertainer music genre. Marcel de Vries, imaging director at Radio NL: " The collaboration was fantastic, they exactly understood what we needed. This is absolutely phenomenal".
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The second Bonanza package. Styled to fit the vibe of radio heydays. Big arrangements with a full band, horns, strings and complex vocal arrangements. Like a spring in the desert, these jingles stand out.
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Nominated for BUMA STEMRA Best Radio Imaging Award:
Jingles that bring back character! For top rated 'Stenders Platenbonanza'.

Left: Rob Stenders. Right: SONIC SPRING's Maurice Verschuuren.
Lex harding
Everything sounds contemporary and has its own style. Explaining what you want once, is enough.
Lex Harding
Jeroen van inkel
Every time I ask for something, I KNOW something amazing comes back.
Jeroen van Inkel
Marcel de vries
Damn this sounds great!!! Exceeded expectations that were already high! Great work!!
Marcel de Vries
Robert jensen
Maurice always gets it right the first time... The gold standard in imaging.
Robert Jensen
Domien verschuuren
Fresh jingles that are easy to sing a long with and give you that instant smile on your face.
Domien Verschuuren
electricity on the airdaring to be differentunderstanding radioUnique and differenttrusted by the best for dj-dropsJingles from the heartbreaking away from the herdCharacter and dedicationBringing back true radio spiritstanding out from the crowd